Examination is a time where the students get an opportunity to come out with their hard work, that they have put in for months together. To ensure justice for all, the school has to ensure that exams are conducted in a free and fair manner. Therefore, the school will implement the ‘No Cheating Policy’which will be adhered to for reference in case if unfair means is reported. Students and parents are requested to read the guidelines.

What to carry to the examination hall:
  1. The students should carry their Identity cards and writing instruments.
  2. Clip board /writing board should be plain, ideally transparent boards.
  3. Writing instruments include stationary (pencil, blue pen (Classes VI onwards) clip board, scale, eraser or geometry instruments.)
  4. Water bottle.
What should not be carried to the examination hall:
  1. Students are not permitted to carry any books (text /notes/ currency note), papers or any other form of written material to the examination hall.
  2. Eatables and lunch boxes.
  3. Digital watches or calculators.
Directions for the students during the examination:
  1. Students should reach school in time during examination days.
  2. Question papers will be provided first to the students, so that reading time can be utilized. Answer sheets will be provided after the reading time concludes.
  3. Before beginning the paper, student should write his/her Name, Class, Roll no, Subject, Subject Code and Set
  4. Name and Roll no will be written in supplementary sheet, map, graph also as soon as it is received.
  5. Answer should be written on both sides of the sheets. No leaf will be torn/ any special remark put on it.
  6. Answer sheet which does not carry details of student, wrong serial number and question number will not be evaluated.
  7. On expiry of time, paper should be handed over to the invigilator irrespective whether the candidate has answered the paper in full, part or not at all.
  8. Papers should be tied up before the final bell.
  9. Students are expected to be silent inside the hall, to ensure peaceful environment for recollecting, thinking and writing.
  10. Any students found turning around or talking to peer group will be cautioned and warned. This will also find a mention in the discipline record/ as well as the answer sheet.
  11. Students are not permitted to exchange writing instruments in the examination hall.
  12. In case the students have any query he/she should raise his/ her hand to attract the attention of the invigilator.
  13. Students are permitted to use the washrooms before the examination commences. A record of all the students who leave the examination hall for washroom will be kept by the invigilator for reference.
  14. Students should not write answers, calculations or any other details on the question paper, other than name/ roll number.
  15. All answer sheets will be signed by the invigilators with date to ensure fairness.
  16. No child is permitted to leave the hall without the permission of the invigilator.
  17. Students not following the code of conduct during the examination will be referred to discipline committee and action will be taken as per the seriousness of the matter

Any students caught indulging in unfair means will be dealt in the following manner:
  1. The students will be made to realize the seriousness and gravity of the situation. Counselling will be done and parents will be called and told about the incidents. A letter will be issued in writing to be acknowledged by both the parents and the student.
  2. The student will be awarded a ZERO in the paper.
  3. The student may be forgiven with a warning “first time” In case he/she resorts to unfair means again, he/she will be expelled from the school with immediate effect.